Bible Studies | Mom So Hard | Mommin' & Jesus | 2 Kings Study
He listens. He cares. He provides. The story of the widow and the oil, in Second Kings, chapter four, is one of my favorites. If you have been around here any length of time, you know I have many favorite Bible stories. This particular one, is so refreshing for me as a wife, a mom and as a person who tends to worry. Sometimes, my reason for worry is my own stupid mistakes, sometimes it is legit. Anyways- worry is worry. He Knows Your NameYou may feel like God doesn't hear you because maybe you feel like you are a "baby christian". Maybe you feel like you are not a good prayer warrior. Maybe you feel like He doesn't even know who you are. Let me tell you a little about the widow Elisha reached out to, in Second Kings chapter four. This widow, who was never named in the Bible, was not an "Isreal A-lister", so to speak. Though her husband was a servant and a student of Elisha, she was considered, at that time, unknown to God. I think we all feel like the widow every once in a while, at least on this aspect. I know you feel that way every once in a while, or at least you have at one time. Let me assure you... Every. One. Of. Us... we are well known by our God. And loved by Him, so. So many verses in the Bible tell us for a fact. Second Timothy chapter two, verse nineteen, reassures us that "The Lord knows who are His". You know I had to find a couple of Psalms to throw in on this! In the fiftieth chapter of Psalm, verse eleven He tells us, "I know every bird of the mountains, and everything that moves in the field is mine.” And again, Psalm 147: 4, reminds us that, "He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.". You are His. You are a bird of the mountain. You are moving in His field. You are a star! (So, shine, girl! Bright like a diamond in the sky! No? Okay!) "He counts the number of stars; He gives names to all of them!" The Widow's Worry The widow we are talking about here, from 2 Kings 4, was dealing with the worry and helpless feeling of attempting to pay off debt. Her husband was the soul provider for their family. He was a faithful servant of the Lord, and this debt that was left on his wife was at no fault of his own, but by circumstances that occurred as an apostle of the word during that time. Once he passed, the widow had no way to pay debt, to provide for her family. In the Old Testament, the law was that a person in debt, with no means to pay it off, or no collateral something of value to put towards the loan in lieu of payment), would be forced into bondage as a servant themselves, or their sons, until the day of Jubilee. (Leviticus 25:39) Meaning the widow's sons were at risk of being forced into a terrible life, if the widow couldn't pay it off. As a momma bear (momma shark or whatever kind of mom you are), this just gives me a broken heart just thinking of the fear and worry she had. Someone was coming to take her babies, and she was desperate to keep them safe. I am sure she was worried to the point that she was sick. The Widow's Connection to Elisha, and Why It MattersIts important to understand the message behind the connection between the widow and Elisha, as even it has a lesson for us to learn and apply to our lives. The widow's request for help was to God, she sought after Elisha for help. Her asking Elisha for help was no coincidence. I like to think that God planted Elisha in her life through her husband. As we know, God knows the future, there are things He cannot and will not prevent, we will never understand that. But, He knows how he can use events and people to help us, to mold us. The widow's husband had been a student of the prophets. He served and studied under Elisha. On top of that, her husband was a faithful servant to God. So, why is all this important? What is the lesson we need to learn from this? This scenario is a "grade A" reminder, that God uses His people to help meet the needs of His people.,especially, His believers ministering to other believers. It is also a great reminder that we as believers have a responsibility to show great care for the people in our circle, or in our ministry, Think of your family, your close friends, maybe even a co-worker you don;t know too well, but you can sense that they are struggling with something. Ask God to show you how you can help that person. It may be just a small word of encouragement, it could grow into something so much larger. You could be the person God uses to draw the person closer to Him. You could be the person God uses to completely bless and turn their lives around. You could be the only positive and good thing in that person's life. How amazing would that be? Elisha was that person for the widow. He didn't know much of her, but He was called to help her and her family in their circumstances. I know, going above and beyond to care for people is exhausting, it takes a lot out of you- you can so easily become mentally and physically worn out. Trust me, as a health care worker- I get it. I see it, everyday. In Galations 6:9-10, the author encourages us to not grow weary or loose heart in doing good for others, and it reestablishes the fact that we should be doing good for all men, especially those who are believers. God will honor and bless you for taking care of people, for blessing them. He will BLESS you, tenfold. This study and study guide are both available as a hard copy, to have on hand, and to follow along better.Sign up to get updates on this study, straight to your inbox!
This was a great read! We must always be concerned about those he places in our circle. Even if they aren’t open to the gospel, wean still pray for them.
12/20/2019 07:52:43 am
Love this so much, Amy! Especially..."This scenario is a "grade A" reminder, that God uses His people to help meet the needs of His people.,especially, His believers ministering to other believers." Amen, Sister!! Also, love the reminder to all that He knows every name. Yes, He sure does!!! Great post, Friend!!! :)
Amy @ The Kent Krew
12/23/2019 04:49:28 pm
Lindsay, thank you so much for your kind words! It’s amazing the stories we study as adults, are the same ones we studied as children, but they mean something entirely different to us adults! Maybe not different but our Christian minds and hearts can understand it better!
Amy @ The Kent Krew
12/23/2019 04:51:22 pm
I think that is exactly the beauty in it! Who knows what “little thing” could make someone’s day, or maybe even change their life, and that “little thing” may seem irrelevant to us, but the world to someone else!
Amy @ The Kent Krew
12/23/2019 04:52:04 pm
THA K YOU SO MUCH! This warmed my heart and brought me so much encouragement! Thank you!
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About AmyHey Ya'll! My name is Amy, I am a girl mom (times two), married to one of my favorite guys, a daughter, a Jesus follower and so much more. I love preworkout and a great sweat, I collect books like trophies, I love to cook but hate a dirty kitchen. I love grungy country music, bell bottom pants, turquoise (the mineral) and converses. Our house is full of love and laughter as we navigate this busy life together, focusing on keeping the important parts of life the biggest parts, and building a healthy and safe place in our family of four! |