Study Journal
That's when my study journal came into place.
The study journal is where I write all the notes down from any Bible study, or church sermon, for that matter. And I am an avid note taker. I am on my fourth book this year. However, this book will get me into the new year, and maybe into February. Maybe. When I write in this journal, I am sure to write the date down, write down the study topic, and if its notes for my own personal study (ones that I create on my own) I make note of that, too. I will sometimes even use a sticky tab to show what is what in the journal. Years ago, my prayer journal and my study journal were one in the same. That changed when I got back into the Word last year. I found a great devotion source, that is full of information and teaching. It was becoming a lot of information in one notebook, and I feel like my prayer journal should be more private. My OCD won and I separated the two journals. So. Much. Better. Prayer Journal
What is a prayer journal?
It is a place I come to talk to Jesus. I know I can do that with my voice, and I do, but sometimes, my heart just needs to get it all out on pen and paper! Sometimes, I need some structure in my prayers so that I can stay on track and get all my prayers and concerns out to Him. (I am distracted so easily- hello, mom brain!) My prayer journal has an entire blog post on its own, you can see it HERE. But, I think its important to note a few things:
Bible Journaling
What? You doodle in your Bible? Yes, I do.
Only certain ones, though. When my husband first saw all the doodles and notes in my journal Bible, he was so surprised and almost kind of disappointed in me. He thought I had shown disrespect to God and His word. It tickled my heart at the time, and still does. To him, this was me ruining something precious, something that should never be mistreated. I explained to him, those notes and drawings are my notes and interpretations of the studies I have been a part of. It's not done to be disrespectful, but to show my praise through art. He still struggles with that, but He is way more accepting of it now. I understand why He was taken a back by it, I grew up in a Baptist school, where you didn't do that type of thing in your Bible. You brought it to church and to school, and you read the verses for your devotion in it, and that was it. You didn't highlight, you didn't underline, and you certainly didn't draw in it!! Bible journaling is one way I worship God, its me meditating on His word and the message I am studying, or even creating. While all this journaling I do is to praise HIm and worship Him, it is has become more than that. Why I Journal
In November, a sweet friend of mine invited me to a women's retreat with church.
Me never being one to attend stuff like this, was on the fence on attending, but, when she invited me, I looked at my husband to tell me we had plans; not because I didn't want to go with her, but because the introvert in me (I feel like I am part introvert and part extrovert) was nervous about being away for a weekend with women I don't know too well. So, when I brought it up to Justin, he told me specifically, "Go. It will be good for you.". Jesus told me in my heart, that if Justin feels that way, then I need to go. That afternoon, I nervously registered for the event and sent in my money. I began looking forward to that weekend, and knew God had something for me there. The subject that weekend at the Inpsire Womens Retreat, was Testimony. But not just Testimony, but leaving your testimony for your kids, for your grandkids. One way we talked about doing that was to do just what I have been doing the past year. Journaling. The main speaker that Saturday, put into words what I have been feeling this past year about journaling. I had already planned on gifting the BIbles I am journaling in to my girls when the time is right, but she explained the 'why' behind that, so beautifully. She told us that her mom had passed away a couple of years ago, and towards the end of her life, while her mom was able to still communicate with them, she asked her to share her testimony with her, as she had never heard it before, at least not that she could remember. Her mom never spoke of her testimony that night, or ever again, she just promised she would tell her. At her mom's funeral, the pastor read a letter from the mother, and it was her life story, her testimony, and it was addressed to her daughter! The speaker explained that the piece of paper and her mother's Bible are the most treasured things she has. She now will always have her mothers testimony at her fingertips, and will always be able to share it with other family members to come. She will always know of her mothers walk with God. I loved this. This is one of the reasons why I journal like I do. In these Bibles I am "doodling" and note taking in, I want to share things I have learned, things that have helped me grow as a Christian, as a mom, as a wife, and as a person. I want them to see my footsteps in growth, through the life I live and be able to look back on these journals, and know that momma has more than likely experienced the struggles they are going through (I pray that they don't experience all of my struggles, because some of those have been so difficult, even though some we're because of my own mistakes!). I want them to see that momma prayed for them. Momma prayed for their daddy. Momma prayed for her marriage. I want them to see that momma prayed. And momma walked with the Lord. Those are some of the reasons I journal, do you journal? I would love to hear about it, and why!? Drop me a message in the comments below!
About AmyHey Ya'll! My name is Amy, I am a girl mom (times two), married to one of my favorite guys, a daughter, a Jesus follower and so much more. I love preworkout and a great sweat, I collect books like trophies, I love to cook but hate a dirty kitchen. I love grungy country music, bell bottom pants, turquoise (the mineral) and converses. Our house is full of love and laughter as we navigate this busy life together, focusing on keeping the important parts of life the biggest parts, and building a healthy and safe place in our family of four! |