Yep, you read that right! I only clean for fifteen minutes a day! Let me explain more!
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I know that hearing that I only clean fifteen minutes a day may sound crazy.
It probably sounds crazy for one of two reasons. You might be thinking, "15 minutes? How is she gonna have a clean house in 15 minutes?". Or you are thinking, "Everyday? She cleans everyday?!". The answers are: I get a lot done in 15 minutes a day, thanks to the structure behind the science. And the answer to second possible question, is yes, I do clean everyday. And as a mom to a house hold of four, with lots of foot traffic, two busy kids and a husband in construction (not to mention we have lots of leaves, a gravel drive, and live on a dirt road). It works because there is structure in those 15 minutes. Before the structure, I honestly felt like I didn't get anything cleaned all day. So, the method I have been using for the past month is the FlyLady method. I heard about this first on TikTok, but soon did my research and found websites, books and so much more! Check out some of her books here: FlyLady Method
That sweet and ingenious Flylady has divided the house up into five zones.
A zone per week, and you spend fifteen minutes a day working in the zone designated for that week. The Flylady has a check list for each week, and you simply just cross them off your list, and if you know me, you know how satisfying that is to me! Now, the zones hit on the five major areas of your house:
Sounds simple, right? I really want to give this method a go this year, I may have to consolidate a day or two each week, but the important thing is that I am hoping for a more consistent cleaning method, thus a more clean and organized home! I encourage you to give this a try with me, we can be cleaning support buddies! But, before we get started, there's a few more things to know! Before you get started
If you are starting this process new, Flylady wants you to spend the first round of the zones decluttering. Same method, you spend fifteen minutes a day in the designated zone.
You can't complete the zones successfully, until the clutter is cleared by either throwing it away, or finding a better "home" for it, or donating it. This has been especially satisfying for me. In the past two months I have taken so many bags to a charity store in town, and I honestly have so much more to go. I don't know where this stuff all comes from, but it seems I can always find something to go through! After we get the clutter under control, we can begin learning our morning and bedtime routine, and some suggestions she gives to make sure our mornings run smoothly, and lead to productive days! Finding your routine
When you are a mom, a working mom (work from home, stay at home mom, or even a mom who works outside of the home), a working woman, routine can be difficult to find and maintain.
I have been married for almost ten years, and I am just now striving for a better, more efficient routine. I never strived to have a solid routine, I just kind of went by the seat of my pants. Which explains so much in my life! I am much, much more busier than I have ever been, and that has me striving and trying to find better routines to provide my family and house with better structure. When I do get "down" time, I want to cuddle on the sofa with the babies and watch Barbie until our hearts content, not be thinking about what I should be doing, instead! Flylady's morning and bedtime routines are HUGELY helpful! Instead of posting them verbatim, I am going to link them here. Her morning routine differs a bit for me each morning, but the structure is pretty much the same. Get up, get yourself ready for the day, straighten up your bathroom while you are getting ready and start the day with laundry going. The beditme routine is something that is really changing our house for the better. I take about twenty minutes at night, and tidy up things. I use this time to set us up for success for the next day. Put away any toys or crafts the kids may have missed, make sure any lunches needed for the next day are ready, kid's backpacks are ready to go, etc. It feels so good to come downstairs in the morning and see that your kitchen is clean, and the house is ready for you to start the day strong! Have you heard of the FlyLady Method?
About AmyHey Ya'll! My name is Amy, I am a girl mom (times two), married to one of my favorite guys, a daughter, a Jesus follower and so much more. I love preworkout and a great sweat, I collect books like trophies, I love to cook but hate a dirty kitchen. I love grungy country music, bell bottom pants, turquoise (the mineral) and converses. Our house is full of love and laughter as we navigate this busy life together, focusing on keeping the important parts of life the biggest parts, and building a healthy and safe place in our family of four! |